Deferred Attention

I shuffle my attention between four devices: a (beloved if aging) 2012 13" Macbook Air iPhone 6S+ iPad Air 2 Work Surface Pro 3 Because I split my attention between them all, it can be a struggle to manage the list of things that are interesting to me so that when I’m in a time which is suitable on a device which is right, things that I care about are easy to reach. ...

Wed, Apr 13, 2016 · Rob

Smile Acrobatics

This morning I woke up to an email from Smile Software titled “TextExpander 5 Lives!” and I was a little sad inside. Now I still think that their original plan of moving to a subscription pricing scheme was the wrong decision, but I really wanted to see that they had a plan for it. As tech pundits left and right have said, Smile has been around for ages, they should have a good idea about how the business works. ...

Wed, Apr 13, 2016 · Rob

Release Notes: Slack vs Box

I remember someone else talking up Slack’s release notes before, but looking at them side by side with Box’s lately… I honestly don’t know why Box bothered with more than the first line since the other three dot points mean exactly the same as the single first dot point, providing no additional information at all. Slack does a great job of what is arguably the job of release notes: information about features, and which bugs have been fixed. More importantly, they do it in such a way that you might actually read the release notes because they are entertaining, not just because you might be frustrated with a problem in an earlier version and you want to know if it’s fixed yet. ...

Mon, Apr 11, 2016 · Rob

Useful, Unsolved, Practical, pick two

Since deciding to turn part time hobby development for myself into a part time hobby that produces stuff others might actually buy, I’ve been looking through my list of ideas and trying to figure out some sort of progression through them. This involves evaluating which ideas are practical for me to pursue (I’ve got some pretty out-there items in my list which I think would be awesome that I just don’t have the time or expertise to attempt at this point) and which might actually be appealing to others. ...

Mon, Apr 11, 2016 · Rob

Dead or just sleeping?

Sleep wake on laptops is terrible. But why is it terrible? We’ve had close to a decade of smart phones, and on every phone and tablet I’ve owned, sleep and wake have been great: you push the button, the device wakes up and is responsive. In that decade of smart phones, every laptop I’ve had (both Apple and otherwise) has had some aspect of sleep/wake be unsatisfactory. My Apple laptops have been by far the best of the bunch, but even they tend to be fairly unresponsive waking from sleep, with keyboard input being glitchy in the first few seconds after the display wakes (i.e. when I’m trying to type in a password). ...

Sun, Apr 10, 2016 · Rob

Subscriptions and Personal Value

There was a fair bit of chatter in the blogs that I follow today that Smile’s TextExpander is changing from an upgrade pricing model to a subscription model (details at their pricing page). It’s an interesting decision, which I guess probably works out well for them since everyone that I see writing or talking about TextExpander seem to be daily users. I say interesting, since it brings to my mind a question of conflicting values: the perceived value to the customer against the value to the developer. To generalize, I think upgrade pricing for software lets it become more valuable to the customer over time as they can amortize their initial investment while retaining the original functionality. From a developer’s perspective (especially if they are active in maintaining software for platform updates, bugs etc) their software gets less value over time as their time investment increases with no additional return per customer. ...

Wed, Apr 6, 2016 · Rob

At what price freedom?

A story over at the CloudFlare blog states that it estimates 94% of Tor requests could be classed as “malicious”, in that it involves automated systems scraping email addresses for spam, testing for vulnerabilities etc. There’s some really interesting stuff they’re doing when it comes to trying to preserve the anonymous nature of Tor for their protected sites, but still restrict access for bad actors, as well as possible directions this type of struggle might go towards. ...

Thu, Mar 31, 2016 · Rob


So at Apple’s (final) Town Hall event they announced CareKit, which looks pretty interesting, although details are kinda scarce beyond their press kit so far, with release being “Spring 2016” so I guess sometime before WWDC. After making Repeat thinking about meds, it’s kind of funny to see Apple bring out a framework aimed at that sort of thing. Particularly since I was having a shower thought the other day about making an app around tracking wound recovery, logging spots-that-might-not-be-spots and so on. Glad that it was only a recent thought and only half-considered, seeing as that seems to be one of the card functions which is going to be released as part of CareKit. ...

Tue, Mar 22, 2016 · Rob

1.1 Update to Repeat

This morning my 1.1 update for Repeat got approved on the store, which brings some basic improvements to interaction with tasks, a much nicer visual for repeat history as a calendar view, rather than as a simple list of events, the ratings system I wrote about in a previous post, and a Today Widget containing upcoming alarms along with an indication of how close they are. Since I’m still learning my way around the iOS frameworks it’s been an interesting experience, particularly with respect to the way that Core Data works. When I first started looking at using Core Data, and coming from having done stuff with SQLite and MySQL in the past, it seemed pretty terrible in terms of the overhead of code compared to what you actually wanted to do with it (OK, it actually still seems pretty terrible in that respect). ...

Fri, Mar 18, 2016 · Rob

Delivery or Garbage Truck?

Some of the quality Role Playing Games in the Explore section of the iOS App Store. So today whilst having a coffee and waiting to pick my wife up I casually opened the iOS App Store and had a look at the Explore tab to check out the Role Playing Games section. It usually takes a few times a year to reinforce the fact that Explore is completely useless for both the “New” apps as well as the top lists, particularly in any of the games categories. ...

Fri, Mar 18, 2016 · Rob